Susan Goelz, PhD

Biomarker Advisor

  • Scientific Director at Myelin Repair Foundation.

Dr. Goelz received her undergraduate degree at UC Santa Cruz in Biology and Chemistry and her PhD in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry from Yale University. In 1988, she joined the research department at Biogen and was a member of project teams that have moved drugs from development, into the clinic and finally to regulatory approval (Avonex, Tysabri, Tecfidera). In 2011, Susan joined Elan Pharmaceuticals as Vice President of Translational Science and in 2013 became an independent scientific advisor in the field of translational science with a focus on neurological diseases. Since about 2000, finding areas of collaboration between the biotech industry and academic groups has also been a major area of her focus. She has initiated and managed more than 100 collaborations in these areas. Dr. Goelz is an author on more than 60 publications, dozens of posters and lectures presented at international meetings; and is named as an inventor on several patents. Dr. Goelz is currently the Scientific Director for the Myelin Repair Foundation.